The reminder benefits the believer. Set the Hereafter As high as possible Back of your mind Deep inside the heart As you can see it clearly infront of you The world and what in it will follow. Ya Rabbi Ya ALLAH help me.. None can help me Except You.
Monday, 26 December 2011
Twins of Faith 2011
First of all I would love to say Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah and Alhamdulillah all praises are due to ALLAH that give me the chance spent my times with Twins of Faith in my weekend at Putrajaya International Convention Centre. May Allah makes that as my good deeds.
I felt really happy and joy attending it and seeing all the masyaikh real in front of my eyes as before this I always see them in the youtube listening to their talks.
Dr. Bilal Philips, Sh. Navaid Aziz, Sh. A'ala, Sh. Yahya, Sh. Husain Ye and Sh. Tawfique Chowdury and Malaysian scholars like Ustaz Zaharuddin and Dr. Maszlee Malik is a big name you know. I believed their enthusiasm to spread the da'wa calling to ALLAH inspired all of us. May Allah blessed them and their family and grant them Jannah.
Not only that I got the chance to see the performances of Boona Mohmmed, Abdullah Rolle, Muslim Belal as I first see them and all the Masyaikh in the youtube video and others who I've never seen before like Muadz and Shinji live! They gave truly amazing entertainment with beautiful songs, meaningful lyrics, great voice, laugh and jokes but more important is it reminds us and educates us.
Pieces of it:
We should dream big to be with the Sahabah in the Jannah so we have to walk like them, talk like them, eat like them.- Sh. A'ala al Sayed.
ISLAM is I Shall Love All Mankind. - Sh Husain Ye.
If we have the chance, talk to the not yet Muslim about Islam to clear their misconceptions.
Sh Navaid reminds us that we live just A MOMENT of life before our death and we'll be raised with the last deed/condition we do. So be concern with our investment for the akheerah.
Do strive to do good until last breath young lady !
And noticed that if we have : good heart = good tongue = zikrullah
( means that lack of zikrullah = diseased heart?)
Totally felt relieved and grateful to be a Muslim woman when I realized that it is with Islam woman is honoured and safe. Sadly, in Muslim countries woman is treated badly and unfair because of they hold to tradition not the truth of Islam and the numbers of victims is thousands Dr. Bilal Philips highlighted it.
A lot of things happen and its shocking me. Happy and sad. Hope that this is not the last gathering I ever attend in the mean of deen/religion and strive to be good.
May Allah reward all of the people that struggle to make the conference success. Amin.
May Allah makes me able to inspire my children to do good, be a strong, righteous, trusthworthy, brave, courageous, confidence, self sufficiency, selflessness person. Amin Ya Rabb.
Boona mohammed,
Islamic consciousness.
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Dr Reda Bedeir - Jannah
We need continuos motivation and reminder.
This one is really great.
Jazakumullah Dr. Reda Bedeir and everyone who make this lecture being able to reach us.
May Allah grant us all Jannatul Firdaus.
Monday, 30 May 2011
Let The Love Of Allah Remain In The Heart
O my heart.
I try to find my heart.
Where is my heart?
I try to fill the vessel of my heart
With the true love
His Love
The Love that would not despair me
Gives me tranquility and it gives me many.
I try to know
I try to understand
I try to feel
But it is hard.
No its not.
Have you ever feel the love?
Towards your parent, sister or brother?
Towards a stranger?
You love them because something about them caught your love.
The way you remember them.
The way your heart felt when you are apart.
O my heart all I ask is to think.
Be a little patient,
Make a little struggle to be near to Him.
To attach your mind and aim to Him only.
Understand this.
He is everything.
إن الله على كل شيء قدير
He is Able to do everything.
He is able to fix my heart, my whole thing.
My world and my hereafter.
He is the one who will save me from the Fire by His Mercy.
ذلكم الله ربي عليه توكلت وإليه أنبيب
He is my Rabb, my Lord my Master
My Nourisher my Sustainer my everything
To Him I rely my hope and to Him I repent.
إن الله سميغ بصير
He is All-Hearing and All-Seeing
He hears all I say
He hears all my prayer
He knows what I'm doing right now even a leaf that fall from a tree.
O my soul
Please don't attach your heart with this world
It only gives you dissappointment
Your home is hereafter
Your happiness is there looking at your Rabb Face.
O ALLAH help me
I'll never give up my hope to have Your love in my heart.
I never.
Your Mercy is larger than Your Wrath.
Your Love is so huge You can give me a little and others too.
I'm in dire need of You.
Its only You can help and gives me everything I want
And I want Your Love Ya ALLAH
Ya Rahman Ya Rahim Ya ALLAH
Have mercy on me...
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Last paper dan insha ALLAH khirijat
Bismillah. Alhamdulillah beberapa jam yang lepas saya dah bebas dari exam di dunia sebagai pelajar mengambil jurusan ekonomi islam di Yarmouk University. Lega2. Kertas periksa Masorif Islam Muasaroh ini pun agak mudah. Atau saya yang sudah terpedaya kerana merasa agak mudah? Insha ALLAH kheir! Tawakal je!
Masa nak pulang kertas periksa, Doktor Amir Atum yang baik berkata, "Fatimah, macam mana exam? Saya, " Alhamdulillah," Takkan nak kata senang kan, tak dapat result best nanti malu sendiri je. " Doakan saya doktor" saya kata lagi. Doktor pun kata " Semoga Allah permudahkan urusan." Saya pun,"Ameen".
Alhamdulillah is all i'm gonna say. And am i really2 save from this exam?
Friday, 25 March 2011
Sem akhir di Jordan.
Tak lama lagi. 3 bulan je lagi duduk kat bumi Jordan.
Am I prepared and imuned enough? ~ skala 1-10. where am i?
Minat dan nak buat sesuatu yg menyumbang~dh jumpe kot.
Matured? ~ Siket la kot.
Skill? ~ Memasak.dh kenal name2 rempah. bleh consider ke? ngeh3
Ada banyak kot yek. Haddoi!
What to do?
Sharing with u :
Respecting Parents.
Is anyone out there have problem with their parents?
Know that,
Whatever they've done, u still have to give love and take a good care of them.
Bcoz they are ur parents! :)
Whatch this u'll understand much2 more. he.
7 min 59 sec only. Wont take ur time too much, very worth to watch.
Mak, Abah love both of you.
Can't wait to cook something for them when I'm home.
Tidy, cleany the house.
May Allah grant His hidayah, tawfeeq and jannah to us.
Life is a struggle.
Life is a test of making decisions.
Am I prepared and imuned enough? ~ skala 1-10. where am i?
Minat dan nak buat sesuatu yg menyumbang~dh jumpe kot.
Matured? ~ Siket la kot.
Skill? ~ Memasak.dh kenal name2 rempah. bleh consider ke? ngeh3
Ada banyak kot yek. Haddoi!
What to do?
Sharing with u :
Respecting Parents.
Is anyone out there have problem with their parents?
Know that,
Whatever they've done, u still have to give love and take a good care of them.
Bcoz they are ur parents! :)
Whatch this u'll understand much2 more. he.
7 min 59 sec only. Wont take ur time too much, very worth to watch.
Mak, Abah love both of you.
Can't wait to cook something for them when I'm home.
Tidy, cleany the house.
May Allah grant His hidayah, tawfeeq and jannah to us.
Life is a struggle.
Life is a test of making decisions.
Friday, 11 February 2011
Nouman Ali Khan - How to Give Dawah - Quran Weekly
Syakh Nouman Ali Khan
Tired of giving daawah? Our job is only :
Remind peoples.
About our purpose in life.
It is not us that make they understand. It is Allah that gives guidance.
And we ourselves must struggle to have beautiful manners as Rasulullah S.A.W have . What a beautiful character he has.
Allahumma kama hasanta kholqi fahassin khuluqi.
Monday, 31 January 2011
Ya ALLAH..Selamatkan penduduk Malaysia dan keseluruhannya disana dari keburukan.
Sangat menyedihkan.
Keadaan yang sangat genting di Mesir sekarang ini sangat merisaukan dan menyakitkan bagi seorang muslim melihat muslimin dan muslimat yang lain ditimpa kesusahan dan kesakitan. Ya Allah lindungi siswi-siswi dan seluruhnya disana. Harapnya keselamatan mereka terjaga. Moga langkah-langkah keselamatan seperti mengumpulkan mereka disuatu tempat atau dihantar balik ke tanah air dapat dicepatkan.
Mengetahui kesan-kesan yang wujud akibat demonstrasi yang berlaku menyedihkan hati. Penjara dibakar mengakibat 6000 banduan dijalan Mesir. Rumah-rumah dipecah. Kerosakan bangunan dan kemudahan asas. Makanan dicatu. Keselamatan terancam. Sangat-sangat besar keburukan yang timbul akibat demonstrasi ini.
Salah satu talk Shaykh Nouman Ali Khan beliau berkata : Krisis pemerintahan yang terawal berlaku dalam sejarah pemerintahan Islam adalah apabila tiadanya kemaafan tapi apa yang dimahukan adalah keadilan.
Conflict Resolution
Justice Vs Forgiveness
Nasihat Berharga Bagi Para Pemberontak dari Imam Ibn Al Qayyim al-Jawziah R.H
Dalam sebuah riwayat daripada Sa’id B. Jubair rahimahullah ketika bertanya kepada Ibnu ‘Abbas radhiyallahu ‘anhuma, beliau berkata,
قلت لابن عباس آمر إمامي بالمعروف قال إن خشيت أن يقتلك فلا فإن كنت فاعلا ففيما بينك وبينه
Aku bertanya kepada Ibnu ‘Abbas, “Adakah aku perlu mengajak pemimpinku kepada kebaikan?” Ibnu ‘Abbas menjawab, “Sekiranya engkau takut ia akan membunuhmu, maka tidak perlu. Tetapi jika kamu memang hendak melakukannya, maka lakukanlah (nasihat tersebut) hanya di antara engkau dengan dia sahaja.” (Diriwayatkan oleh al-Baihaqi, Syu’abul Iman, 6/96, no. 7592. Ibnu Abi Syaibah 15/74, no. 38462. Juga disebutkan oleh Ibnu Rejab al-Hanbali, Jami’ al-‘Ulum wa al-Hikam, m/s. 82 – Maktabah Syamilah)
Perkataan Imam Abu Bakr Muhammad B. al-Walid at...h-Thurthusyi rahimahullah (Wafat 520H) untuk sama-sama fikirkan. Beliau berkata,
فلئن قلت إن الملوك اليوم ليسوا كمن مضى من الملوك، فالرعية أيضًا ليسوا كمن مضى من الرعية، ولست بأن تذم أميرك إذا نظرت آثار من مضى منهم بأولى من أن يذمك أميرك إذا نظر آثار من مضى من الرعية، فإذا جار عليك السلطان، فعليك بالصبر، وعليه الوزر
“Sekiranya kamu mengatakan bahawa para raja (pemerintah) pada hari ini tidak seperti raja-raja terdahulu, maka para rakyat juga tidak seperti rakyat terdahulu. Kamu lebih gemar mencela para pemimpin kamu apabila kamu melihat kesalahan mereka sebagaimana para pemimpin terdahulu juga mencela kamu apabila mereka melihat kesalahan-kesalahan rakyat terdahulu. Maka apabila seseorang pemerintah menzalimi kamu, maka hendaklah kamu bersabar. Dia akan mendapat dosa dari pebuatannya tersebut.”
Kemudian beliau menukilkan perkataan ‘Abdul Malik B. Marwan (seorang Khalifah Bani Umayyah) kepada rakyatnya,
قال عبد الملك بن مروان: ما أنصفتمونا يا معشر الرعية، تريدون منا سيرة أبي بكر وعمر ولا تسيرون فينا ولا في أنفسكم بسيرتهما
Berkata ‘Abdul Malik B. Marwan,
“Berlaku adillah kepada kami wahai seluruh rakyat. Kamu mahukan dari kami seperti pemerintahan Abu Bakr dan ‘Umar, tetapi kamu tidak mahu berjalan bersama kami dan tidak pula mencontohi rakyat di zaman mereka berdua (Abu Bakr dan ‘Umar).” (Ath-Thurthusi, Siraj al-Muluk, 1/94)
Perkataan ‘Abdul Malik B. Marwan ini sebagaimana perkataan ‘Ali radhiyallahu ‘anhu sebagaimana yang disebutkan oleh Syaikh Muhammad B. Sholeh al-‘Utsaimin (rahimahullah):
وذكروا أن رجلا من الخوارج الذين خرجوا على علي بن أبي طالب جاءوا إلى علي فقال له يا علي ما بال الناس قد تغيروا عليك ولم يتغيروا على أبي بكر وعمر ؟ قال لأن رجال أبي بكر وعمر أنا وأمثالي ورجالي أنت وأمثالك
Terjemahan: Terdapat seorang lelaki dari kalangan khowarij datang untuk memberi peringatan kepada ‘Ali B. Abi Tholib lalu berkata:
“Wahai ‘Ali, kenapa manusia banyak mengkritik pentadbiran engkau, sebaliknya tidak seperti permerintahan Abi Bakr dan ‘Umar?”
Maka ‘Ali pun menjawab:
“Kerana para rakyat di zaman Abi Bakr dan ‘Umar adalah aku dan orang-orang yang sepertiku, tetapi rakyat pada masaku pula adalah kamu dan orang-orang yang seperti kamu.” (al-‘Utsaimin, Syarah Riyadhus Sholihin, 1/220, Maktabah Syamilah. Lihat juga web rasmi Ibn ‘Utsaimin, Syarah Riyadhush Sholihin, Bab 23: al-Amr bil Ma’ruf wa al-Nahi ‘An al-Mungkar,
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