Tuesday, 21 December 2010

I observed that sins by Al Afasy نشيد رأيت الذنوب للعفاسي

Except those who repent; have faith and do good deeds, those Allah will change their sins for good deeds. Certainly Allah is Most Forgiving, and Merciful. (Sur'ah Furqan:70)

Abu Saeed Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) says that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: 'There was a man before you who had committed 99 murders and then wanted to repent. So he inquired about the most knowledgeable person in the area and asked him if he could repent. The person said no. so the seeker murdered him as well and completed his 100. Then , he asked another wise
person who informed him that he could repent and told him to leave the area in which he was living in and move to a place where people worshipped Allah. He started out on his journey, however, he died half way to his destination. So the angels of mercy and punishment argued over him. The angels of mercy said that he had repented and had made his way to the town. The angels of punishment said that he had never performed a good deed in his life. So an angel came to them in the form of a man and told them to measure the distance between the two places. They did so and found that he was actually closer to the destination than to his ho.The angels of mercy claimed his case. (Bukhari & Muslim)

'Allah ordered the earth close to his destination to come closer to him and ordered the other part of the earth to become distant. Then they measured and they found that he was closer to his destination by a span and was forgiven.'

Another beautiful nasheed from Syeikh Misyari alAfasy.

رَأيتُ الذنوبَ تُمِيتُ القُلوبَ

ويُتْبِعُها الذُّلَّ إدْمَانُها

وتركُ الذنوبِ حياة ُالقلوبِ

وخيرٌ لِنَفْسِكَ عِصْيانُها ،

Aku melihat bahawa dosa itu mematikan hati, terus menerus berbuat dosa pula akan mendatangkan kehinaan; Sedangkan meninggalkan dosa itu menghidupkan hati, maka meninggalkannya adalah lebih baik buatmu." - Ibnu Mubarak.

May Allah choose us to be among His servants that repent to Him in morning and evening. May Allah makes us all able to do that. Ameen..

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